On Saturday, August 4th my 12 year old son, Jake Knudson (Emily's BFF) is participating in his third triathlon, the MiracleKids Triathlon, a fundraiser of children with cancer.
We are trying to raise $1,000.00 and our shop Crafting for a Cause by Tubs, Tabbies and Trains featuring items with the net proceeds going to the MiracleKids Triathlon. If you see this and would like to donate, go to the Triathlon site, select donate, participant and find my son. Thank you!
This is my son's 1st triathlon, at 10 years old!
He participates in memory of my dad, in honor of my sister,
and one of Mitch's All-Stars, a child fighting cancer.
We've lost 9 kids since last year's triathlon,
so please join our fight against cancer!